We stand behind the quality of our products and are happy to offer a year limited warranty on all of our bags.
CRAFSTO will cover defects in materials and workmanship on all of our bags purchased through our website (www.crafsto.com) or our stores. We ask that you provide a copy of your purchase receipt or online order confirmation number; if you are unable to provide proof of purchase, we will request your name and/or email address to look up your purchase in our system.
Under this warranty, if our products are defective in materials or workmanship, we will work with you to repair the bag. If we cannot repair the product, we will replace it.
If the style of the merchandise is no longer available, we will replace the product with product similar in style. Defective products are not returned to the customer.
This warranty does not cover damage from accidents, fire, flood, or other natural disasters, cleaning products or chemicals, contact with sharp or abrasive objects, human fluids, stains or spills, pet damage, misuse, normal wear & tear, or from any other service/alteration made by any other party.
In order to have your bag repaired or replaced under our warranty, please email our Client Concierge Team at customer@crafsto.com. Also make sure to include your order number, and photos of the product including the front, back, sides, bottom, and interior of your bag.
Once we review your request, we will contact you within 5 business days with the next steps in the process.